Lawsuit 217: High Tech | 高科技

Date: May 18th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: it’s not just the birds talking in the human language or the sky clouds becoming a painting.

These you ever seen and called American Black Ops they create mirror surface to 難解的文字(愛在西元前)- the continuation of the lawsuit 216

Of course, I am not Black Ops, it will be if I leave!! Taken off !!

Yesterday my mom not feeling well, I put the food on the table.

Do you ever check by now the entire 花千骨 not just 17th episode? 花千骨第十七集 how I ever become the American Black Ops and if Pixie definition were not in 2015, they suppose to just yell it they didn’t know about this? The definition of the Pixie in Harry Potter, the borders lines are the strongest defensing power for ALL 194 country how my statistic counter remains at zero !!

The Second Part of this Lawsuit

I wish to bring the motion to those abused the spiritual power imagining the meat they eat or the precept they don't keep, were not the vegan vegan words to become that blind only, eating the human flesh by the High Tech regulation. 

There are mass animals die out on the beach, as we speaking the terms & conditions. The co-inhabitant.

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