Lawsuit 218: Calls Time Now?

Date: May 22th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Maybe its about Time to call 194 Aviation Industry, the borders or to that every small, big, private or public airports, including all the military uses, stage 1 to 10, let's say, anything moving in the air other than the air or the clouds, above the clouds, where there is only Sun?

Jurassic World Domination (Games of Thrones) 

June 8th, 2022 (on my calendar here in Taiwan, Taipei ROC Time. Its in Madarin Chinese)

First protocol in place, when you see this things moving, identify if this has a handler, or an owner by their will control. Or "the chips".

Those things we don't define magic, if we are saying its a physical manifestation exactly how we see it, feel it, A B the scientific world lays out, what is the physical construct, its exactly what it sees, to what it shows on the television. The outer manifestation of these....Dinosaurs. They are not supposed to be here in our Time? 

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