
Powerball May 21th, 2022 | 117 Millions


I wrote that in my keyword boxes down below. I already knew that.

小鬼小和尚~你們想要變魔術嗎 ? 但是我找舍利弗他媽的~ 我弄錯了! 你們要不要自己想一下怎麼弄到對?

我先 edit two clips

This are for the Chinese Little Kids Little monks = 小鬼小和尚

Cards play tricks (card tricks ) 變魔術 !  


我在寫這個影片下面的 description 我在幹嘛 ! 我改一下 Thumbnail. (你們小鬼當家的意思,就是大人死光光我告訴妳們,你們有沒有覺得寫字叫做練功整,是一件有一天你們要取代尊上的位置的那個人? 中文英文? 還有古文篇? )

致詞、創詞、寫詞? 庸人庸詞無限的意思!


是同一個麵團 same dough

做成一半、一半的拿去做成小麵包,另外一個可以繼續發酵,這種事情做多了,就是都是一樣的東西!尊上要吃飯的時候,那個 pizza 比薩🍕就可以進烤箱了!




Smaller bread are the honor class eat that. There is another wheat germ bread. 

Long shape.

I think she can eat it all. I had few pieces. 我覺得她可以吃完全部!我吃幾塊

It’s too dry. I have the juice. 有點乾,我喝果汁!


Where is UB Hira? Hi ~ Do you do anything on any movies?

1. Ms Congenality, like Tiny 4.0, you ever interact with the police certificate, like attending the workshop, more lean towards the police side? Your parents knew what this is?

2. You know Ola from UB 105/ 251 Honor Class, have you interact with the current UB advisor, so is your parents?

3. I had your facebook, on knowing you got accepted on the MD School, or the MD paper. I remember that.

Poland Website (On Ice Skating, how to explain these books or the movies on the line subjects in related to the Inline skating, and the figure skate)

Meaning there is a speed control, and balance issues.

Not just on the skin issues, if too cold fallen on the ice, and you don't get up glueing your face to the ice, more than few second, you might just try your freezer wall on ice, if you glue your hands on it, like Home Alone.


It really doesn't matter what years are the Northern American Hockey Leaque might be still a commercial interests things like near UB 4 blocks ending of it, there is a retired home, or a Jewish temple or the Teen's outfit selection Ice Skating - Figure Skate.

Life what you make of its hopeful, entertaining, so that you feeling the free er....zones of expressing yourself to the Most. Not every human wants to behaving just as bad, in the increments of Time years 3 to next incremental scales of next more 3 years begins.

You have 6 months on preaching really. Since Oct 21th 2021.


You know there is every reasons to be a little more than the rythmetic ( arithmetic) movement like JC, so that there is a new movie coming up in June 8 this year 2022. Its called the Jurassic World Domination.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ioucHUMHk



         💾💾💾💾💻🖨   📊📊📈📈📉📉📉


