Lawsuit 219: Protocols

Date: May 22th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: You called the Birds First. Identify.

You first calling the birds, then our human worlds lawyers keep making the laws when you first interact anything none local Time or Space.

I use my seal at 笑傲江湖, you don't need to kill every little things that moves in the space. I got 2 websites World Domination on Music defines "the Commander-in-Chef". You need to call the classify like 9 years ago when the movies screen personel faces of these think more of the designated location of the agents, the field agents, the educators, the MD, or the physical therapist, including all the paper works management company to be in placed....

9 years ago. Not today. Meaning it won't be the yesterday of the June 8th 2022 proceeding to the last lawsuit 218.

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